Curiosity- It is what we led us to this glory!

From the evolution of humans to the modernism of human civilization, one thing that remained with us even we did a whole journey from there, that is- Our Curiosity
      Curiosity is something which resides in us and in our brains as inbuilt software installed in our minds regarding anything we feel, we see and we sense. It's that magical power which might have built us so much special. The pondering question to reality is its key element. Sometimes, we even ask something out of this arena, the thoughts of the presence of multiverses, the presence of higher dimensions, are like so and we even did a great progress at it.
    From the discovery of fire to the discovery of lasers and nuclear fusion, one thing residing in us remained constant that is nonetheless except Our Curiosity. If we boldly ask the question that:
What makes us so special creatures?

Believe me, you knew this answer! This question's answer lies in the heart of question only. That is the ability to question and wonder. Let's get near to this!

We have been gazing at the wonders of the cosmos with a playground known as what, Night Sky. We at first looked at it, gazed at it, tried to make relations and sense to us by making stories from the constellations. But few minds did not stop there and tried to find out what are they actually. When we forwarded our step in doing so, sometimes we claimed some hard facts to believe and whole things slowly got changed. The company with Mathematics provides us with the greater insights towards the nature of reality. When we opened our eyes and something we noticed at that moment is:
Why are we here? Are we alone? How it came to be like this? What if it didn't? 
Truly, these questions merely have any relation to our world full of business and profits. But we didn't stop us and set limits to our curiosities. Well, we test our curiosity, and record the observation and conclude further...that's the way of Science it goes. Well, when it comes to defining it, we meet a very strange phenomenon that we don't really know it. Literally, Science could be a way to understand reality and Science is the way we learn something and anything about our nature and cosmos. The question we encounter while doing it so that:
What do we get while pursueing the path of science (making hypothesis, matching with observations and making out conclusions) rather than just to live and sustain?
         Well, when this question came out to be, we become speechless coz we really know that following the path of our curiosity is the right way or not. This question could make the whole efforts, done by us in knowing our cosmos, dilute in the solution of criticism of science. But wait a minute, rewind your thoughts and again think for a moment, If we never get excited about those twinkling stars and lived our lives in darkness then we could never ponder about ours also. We could never think that we are just nothing if we do not have the feel of friendliness and oneness. In some way, science bonds us to that limits that we can't imagine. We are special 'coz we not only follow the path of curiosity but also the path to reality. Human beings are made to question and find answers to it and when we find it, I am totally sure that we get a lot of satisfaction of knowing the nature and cosmos. Believe me or not, it could be the goal of science, we were pondering over since the beginning. Again we got answers in the question only.
And I don't really think that path towards the unknown by human wonder, curiosity and excitement is a false one. It's what we are made to. It's our duty, in some sense. 
"From the meagre steps by little foot to the vast leap in the infinity of the Cosmos, the human wonder and curiosity persist. From the origin of life to Intelligence, we have been so curious at steps towards reality. From the understanding of nature to the smallest to the vast cosmos, our questions never stop at any scales. From a tiny fluctuation in the brain to the concept of consciousness, we ponder over it.
In some sense, the study of nature of cosmos, Cosmology is like an endless journey towards reality and this is what we do even at newborn baby do it. If you don't feel it, try it once!
At last final question should go like this:
What's our nature of reality?
Well, all the previous question combined could not compete for this one 'coz nobody knows it. We are curious beings- simply, that could be our true nature of reality. It is the innermost desire of human consciousness and brain to get the perfect mean for our presence in this universe and why the heck is the universe the way it is!

