The All About Explanation about Our Limitless Universe: Its Formation, Its Reality, Its Extent and Its Fate.

"When we try to explore our next path, we must know our origin and when we explore our future then we must know our fate."

Hello Everyone, Today I came with a very interesting topic of Astronomy, What is universe and how it originated and it will come up to an end?

Actually this topic is classified in Astronomy and Cosmology but I think it should be taught to everyone so that every child must be known to his/her origin. So before we talk directly about the universe, Let's make our foundation more stronger by knowing about our past:

Before 100 years, we were not exactly knowing the origin of our universe. We were only making many possible concepts which only make disputes in field of astronomy. Many scientific observation were proved wrong because of different concepts of evolution of universe. Many Myths and wrong beliefs totally interfered the field of astronomy. Different religions proposed different theories such as:- 

  •  In many religions, it was believed that the universe is formed same as it is, by their god. Actually, the term of 'God' refers to the creator who had created the whole universe. That time, in many communities, Religion and Old customs have totally covered the influence of Science. Religiously blind folks claimed those always-trying scientists, 'mad' , who say universe was not formed like this way. They blindly believe in unproven theories of universe.

But the curtain on the real truth ,that is the real science,  can't be hidden and the truth is below :-

  After industrialization and all other developments took place, just after The Industrial Revolution, which made people to think again about their origin . The 20th century can be titled as 'Golden era of Sciences' as many discoveries, like - Quantum Physics, The Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein, new theories of Origin of Universe., make this century, totally unique. People began to think again about the ancient myths about universe of pasts and tried to correct them. Corrections had started going on and many theories got died in these corrections and many theories also generated. Actually these has now been inspired of ancestors and based on new and latest discoveries.

 While researching about the origin of our universe, Different scientists followed different theories. The proposal of Theory of Relativity by Einstein started to point on the new theories of Origin of Universe which gave birth to new, modernised as well as theoretically-proved theories. Some of the best known theories are as follows:

The Steady State Theory

The Big Bang Theory

1. Steady State Theory

Hermann Bondi

Thomas Gold

Sir Fred Hoyle

The word 'steady state' means a stable condition that does not change over time or in which change in one direction is continually balanced by change in another. The Steady State Theory of the origin of the universe is also referred to as the infinite universe theory or continuous creation.This theory was proposed by Hermann Bondi , Thomas Gold and Sir Fred Hoyle in year of 1940s. Actually this theory of evolution of universe says that the density of the universe remain the same through the end. 
 The Steady State Theory states that although the universe is expanding, it does not change its look over time.

But why it failed?
As I have written," The Steady State Theory states that although the universe is expanding, it does not change its look over time." 
Edwin Hubble

This means that the universe we are seeing and observing, is expanding (which has already been proved by Great Scientist, Edwin Hubble). But it will not change its look over time. Its existence and belief start fading away with development of powerful telescopes, when we observed the quasars.
Its light took several years to reach us and when we look and observe these lights and the universe look was totally different. But still, some theorists believed on this theory.
 But the greatest shock and blow given by the 2 scientists in 1964 ( Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson ) who discovered Cosmic Microwave background which was relic of The Big bang theory.

2. The Big Bang Theory:

Georges Lemaitre
During the proposal of Big Bang Theory for the first time (By Georges Lemaître in 1927), It was not so popular because at that time, The Big Bang Theory and The Steady State Theory were the theories which are pointing to expanding universe. As the expansion of universe had already been proved by Edwin Hubble. But the initiative father of Big Bang theory is Georges Lemaitre. But during that time, scientists divided into 2 beliefs that are The Big Bang Theory and The Steady State Theory.
As we have read that, Steady State Theory started fading by discovering of Quasars because their light was billions of years ago but there was a huge change in its look.
 But yet the Steady State theory was surviving and final blow was given by the 2 radio Astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson who discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), the ancient light that began saturating the universe 380,000 years after its creation. And they did so pretty much by accident.

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at Bells Labs' Horn Antenna in New Jersey

Bell Labs' Holmdale Horn Antenna in New Jersey picked up an odd buzzing sound that came from all parts of the sky at all times. The noise puzzled Wilson and Penzias, who did their best to eliminate all possible sources of interference, even removing some pigeons that were nesting in the antenna.
  But at last they spotted the radiation of Microwave which was the thermal echo of the explosive birth of the universe. Actually at first, these both astronomers have never think about a very wonderful discovery which proved that our sky as well as whole space around or we can say whole universe is filled with electromagnetic radiation especially the microwave light particles.

This picture had captured the lights of 380,000 years just after the Big Bang, showing the map of our observable universe. Showing its temperature by distribution of matter at random places.

As the whole universe expanded then the light that reached us is so stretched and impossibly red-shifted that its wavelength became so larger than normal visible rays so that we can't see them with our naked eye.
Because of discovery of CMB, it gave solid ground for the existence of Big Bang Theory. And now, Big Bang Theory got monopoly over the field of astronomy. Now the whole problem has solved. 

What actually the Big bang  theory says?

Let's learn about the timeline of universe according to the The Big Bang theory. Let's try to learn from video then with a friendly explanation.

So, it's my video that will explain this brief about the explanation of universe. But the for the real understanding of this whole topic, you may need to read this full post plus video.

Actually, the Big Bang theory says that our whole limitless universe was formed from a single point where the enormous amount of matter got formed such as- proton, neutron, electron, photon, quarks etc. The Big Bang was estimated that it had occurred 13.8 billions of year before. From the Big Bang only, all the space-time originated.The Big Bang Theory has several concepts and stages which led to our formation. We will read all those stages so as to know about our formation and the our chronology of the universe.

  1. Plank Era or Epoch :-

It was considered the earliest era and earliest time of the universe, when the universe is only planck time, approximately 10 power to minus 43 seconds. The whole universe was in a single and infinitely dense structure called singularity. It was a period when the universe had passed only and only a planck time(10 power to minus 43 seconds). It was the absolute time when both space and time got originated from a single subatomic point.
     2. Cosmic Inflation:-
After just 10 power to minus 37 seconds seconds later, the whole universe observed a cosmic inflation and universe started expanding at rate of of more than the speed of light. Immense amount of matter makes it so dense and expansion created a vacuum for the distribution of matter.

Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Galaxies are colour-coded by redshift.
  After 10 power to the minus six seconds later, Quarks and Gluon combined to form baryons such as proton, neutrons and electrons, as these subatomic particles. During first second after the big bang, universe was filled subatomic particles like proton, neutrons, electrons, photon, and neutrinos etc..

  • A few minutes about 3 minutes, into the expansion, when the temperature was about a billion (one thousand million) kelvin and the density was about that of air, neutrons combined with protons to form the universe's deuterium and helium nuclei , that are light elements, in a process called Big Bang nucleosynthesis
  •  After about 379,000 years the electrons and nuclei combined into atoms (mostly hydrogen). Hence the radiation decoupled from matter and continued through space largely unimpeded. This relic radiation is known as the cosmic microwave background radiation, its explanation was given early and it is only the physical evidence which gives the big bang, a monopoly right. This era makes the universe ,for first time, transparent and neutral because of neutral atoms because of that only it was known as The Era of Recombination.

     3. Dark Ages:-
  • Why it was known as Dark Ages?
Because of Atoms that are electrically charged ions blocked all light from travelling freely. As it's correct definition is: The early universe, from  the first 380,000 years of big bang, when the familiar forces and elementary particles have emerged but the universe remains in the state of a plasma, followed by the "Dark Ages", from 380,000 years to about 150 million years after the big bang. 
UDFj-39546284 is a galaxy observed by Hubble Telescope which was a proof of dark ages.
  • Why it is considered an important stage?
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.” 
― Carl SaganCosmos

Because the Dark Ages represents our origins- When the first stars formed and created heavy elements like- Fe, Cu, Ag, Ca etc., that we are made of right now.

4. Reionization:-
It was an era of the universe from the 150 million years to 1 billion years after the Big Bang. In this era, first stars and quasars formed from gravitational collapse. They emit immense radiation which make the whole universe reionized. Actually the whole universe was filled with plasma.
5. Formation of Stars and Galaxies:-
  • As I have written above that, the formation of first start taking place from the era of ionisation which further form a gravitationally attracted clusters of stars which further form galaxies.
  • As I have told you the chronology behind the Big Bang, So you may ask, When did our Galaxy that is Milky way Galaxy came into existence?
You may get a minor shock after hearing that our Milky way Galaxy was formed just 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang or it is 13.6 billion years old. That too wow. But....
Our own Solar System came into existence from a giant molecular cloud of dust and gases (especially Hydrogen and other elements) and after too much time later after the formation of Milky way that is, 4.6 billion years ago, Our Sun, as a protostar, illuminated. After .1 billion later, asteroids and meteors and other rock particles joint up to form a  ball of magma and lava called "THE PLANET EARTH".
And after many billions of years later, water dropped on the surface of Earth which cooled the upper crust of Earth make it somehow habitable. Liquid water is the most important factor of life and our first organism originated from the water that is, Amoeba. 


Ultimately, we can come up to 2 points' conclusion that are Universe' formation and reality that universe was formed from a single dot and this single dot formed us and everything that we feel, see and touch is a remnant of the Big Bang. It might be humorous but it's true. The reality of the Universe is that there is something that made everything that may be nothing or Zero. But there is something, I say with certainty. That may be t the Ultimate god and real source of Immense energy.

The continued Journey..

So my friend, it was a brief explanation of Our Formation but the whole topic doesn't end right now. Further, we will learn about our Ultimate Fate of The Universe. Actually knowing our fate would make sure to explore only for glory and inner satisfaction of attaining knowledge. But let's try to learn the real fate of the universe serial-wise, from the fate of us to the fate of universe.

Actually, any thing's fate depend upon its ultimate end. So, as I've said we will first discuss about or's ultimate end then we will discuss about the coming ultimate fate of the universe. 

Our Sun is a normal and yellow main-sequence star. It was formed 4.5 billion years before. At its birth stage, Sun was a protostar and at present, it's has roughly crossed its half life or less. It produces its heat by thermonuclear fusion , in which two lighter elements, hydrogen, fuse into lighter elements, in its core. Eventually in around 5.4 billion years from now, the core of the Sun will run out of hydrogen and it will start helium fusion in its surrounding shell.This will cause the outer layers of the star to expand greatly, and the star will enter a phase of its life in which it is called a red giant. Red Giant Sun would swallow the Mercury and Venus and soon the whole Earth.

 And that time, we can't survive on the Earth. that will become again a giant fireball and that will be the the totally end of our human civilisation. 

  When red giant sun fused all of its helium then it will contract to its core and its outer layer will spread thoughtout the solar system, forming a planetary nebulae. And that core of the sun would disappear as a Brown Dwarf with no light and with no glory of star. As our Sun is not a big star that would explode as supernova so it will form a nebula. May be that nebula would again form planets like Earth and other planets as before.

But the continuous process will keep going on till the end. Let move further......

If we get finished then there must be no one to observe the ultimate fate of the universe but hence our curious minds never ends its thinking capacity; We never get tired of exploring new ideas that's why we have such a generation of great scientists and we are too blessed of them by nature. So just below, there are few indications which indicates our ultimate fate:

1. Big Freeze:-

This theory may be the most predicted theory.
As we know that our universe ,that is formed by Big Bang, is expanding. The energy density of universe at start up is enormous high but when it started to expand, its energy began to divide over a large area of space-time.
Actually, this picture is only a rough imagination of Big Freeze
If I ask question from you that Is it possible that the whole energy remain in the universe but they are enormously distributed over a infinite space-time?
Then, yes it is possible. After trillions of trillions of years after the big bang, space-time or simply whole space would be infinitely vast that every energy particles' temperature would go to absolute zero. And that time would be called as 'Ice Age of Whole Universe' or as 'Big freeze'.
2. Big Rip:-
This theory has also gain popularity among the astronomers as this theory says that the density of dark energy would increase too much because of the accelerated expansion of Universe. That will cause the whole universe to change into unbound elementary particle. And the end state of the universe would a Singularity, an infinitive dense body which contain infinitive energy.
3. Big Crunch:-

As this theory points to a Oscillatory universe. Let me tell you about Oscillatory universe. It is a phenomena or a process which points to universe that will form as Big Bang and end as Big Crunch. And this process will keep on going forever.
The Big Crunch says that the Universe has enough density to stop its expansion and it will start contracting. Contraction of universe would soon make the whole universe into a singularity.
One day would again come when the universe will take birth by Big Bang.


So, the whole conclusion of this whole topic is that from where we have originated, we will again reach there and it is decided. We originated from Singularity and we will again mix into singularity. The whole reality is that we are the humans which are only exploring their minds and finding new ideas only for knowledge and knowledge. I don't know who made me, I don't know who preserve us and I also don't know who will end us. But one thing we know that the origin and end hasn't much differences. That's my end. Thank You!

Last words to my readers...
So, I think it would be the end of this post because I have tried to add my all efforts to explain about our Universe in brief. I know I have left too much concepts behind it but I assure you that I will try to post All about those great discoveries which is making us more excited of space exploration. I have added my video so that you can try to understand the real message of this post. If you want to raise any question according to my blog then please ask from comment box. I would be so happy if you once read it fully and share your experiences. I have tried my best to be friendly to my readers by writing everything in a very simple way. At last, I would like to thank to all of my supporters who encouraged me by working on such a post. Again thank you! Bye! Good Day!


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