"The strangest stuffs ever in the cosmos" - part 1

If I say our existence and our humanity is simply an accident or If I say there are duplicates of every single particle. If I say the most strangest and weirdest object is only and only humans, then can you believe my words?

Yes, I am going to discuss the strangest phenomenon in this whole universe which totally to be impossible but it's possible. As we are growing up in the field of science, we start exploring some obstacles or something very weird object while observations. So in today's article, I am going to list all of the weirdest objects, phenomenons or concepts. So, keep your reading continued to exploring new things.

1. Spooky sounds of space and planets

As you know well that in space, there is no medium present for sound to exist but due to the vibrations which are created in space is generally are in the form of electromagnetic vibration. Electromagnetic Vibration, this term is one of the fascinating terms in astronomy as well. So let me tell about it:
As you may read my previous posts in which I have already talked about the expansion of the universe.
If you haven't read just click this button. 

Why we can't hear any sounds from space? The simplest answer is you have ever thought of because of no medium. But have you ever thought about the sound waves? So, you could think by your own that Is it possible that few of sound waves still present in vacuum? You can think about sound waves created by the supernova explosion, I think it would be infinite strong vibration. But where does the vibration exist? For children question, you can answer you can't hear. But please open your mind and think of a truly strange topic.
Here I got my answers that with the expansion of the whole fabric of space-time made every possible phenomenon so stretched even light. So sound also got too much stretched from their audible range. Though we can't ever hear them again but due to the possible equipments, we have captured sounds of our space. As, heading says, Spooky sounds of space and planets , So get ready to do an adventurous journey of hearing all those sounds from space. Most of them are even spooky. As it may be possible that the sounds are amplified as well as modified so as to hear because these electromagnetic vibrations are too weird in itself.

Before we start hearing those sounds why don't we just hear the sound of the Big Bang? That is really really really stretched or infinitely short frequency of the sound which has been modified and multiplied. So Are you ready?

OK, you may surely wondered that how it can be possible but let me tell you that in the ultimate branch of physics that is Quantum Physics, all matter made up of matter, that's only the similarity makes all things happen. Cosmic Microwave Background radiation was a relic of the hot birth of the Big Bang. Sound was too produced at that time with such a greatest frequency that no one have ever thought about that. But as mentioned before that expansion causes stretch in the frequencies which causes we are only hearing such small peeeeep peeeee sound of the Big Bang.

So let's move further to some spookiest sounds ever generated in the space.

So, what do you think? Which planet may be the spookiest? Let's explore it by ourselves.

1. Mercury

    Mercury is smallest and nearest planet to our Sun.  So, you may be wondered  about its sound which has  been converted by x rays radiations . Let me tell  you bout it's having some  weird, creepy, and windy  (because of solar winds) sound. 

2. Venus


Venus, which is not more than hell but also sounds like ghosts. Ya that's really spooky thing we have to hear. So please increase your volume and just hear. 

3. Earth

So what's your opinion towards the sound produced by the Earth in the form of x-ray vibrations which is then produced into sound waves. Earth produces windy and not spooky sounds. Sometimes, greatest earthquake also make a noise in space as a vibration only.

4. Mars

 Mars makes a desert and lonely sound which makes it as common planet like Earth in terms of sounds. As its atmosphere is light so, in actual on Mars, sound may not travel as common on Earth.

5. Jupiter

In my view, Jupiter is not as spooky as its size is. Lol. As it produces normal, stormy and magnetic sounds. You can hear it from the above. Jupiter x rays vibrations are too powerful which produces whistle like sound also. So say goodbye to Jupiter and let move to the spookiest one, Saturn.

6. Saturn

As I say it the spookiest because the main reason is itself unknown. But as I have heard it, I recognised this sound as the spooky sounds of Harry potter movies. Really they are matching. Most of the vibrations which make this sound something special because of colliding dust and ice particles present in the ring of the Saturn.

7. Uranus

As all Jovian planets have a very stormy surface which lonely last for 10000 years or more. The recording of Uranus is making a picture of whole stormy planet with a 42 years of sunlight and 42 years of night. Really that is Uranus.

8. Neptune

Neptune which is having its outermost orbit out of all the planets. Neptune also a stormy planet. But I can say that it is mix up of 2 planets' sounds that are of Venus as well as Uranus. Neptune sound may also be affected by its wind, comets, satellites and its own ring.

2. Cosmic Clouds of Alcohol

So, you might have been confused by this heading of "Cosmic Clouds of Alcohol"  but let me tell you that really these clouds are also present in and around the space. The one of the biggest interstellar cloud of alcohol ever found is Nebula G34.3 . It was discovered by the British astronomer using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope . So let's increase our knowledge about its formation and existence for reading it further.

Nebula G34.3 was discovered in constellation of Aquila which lies 10,000 light years away from us. It is about 1000 times the diameter of our solar system and it contain ethyl alcohol which is normally taken as drinks in everydays' lives.
 So here is video for reference through which you can make a scale that how much alcohol does it contain.

  • So, you may have one question that how can it is possible that we can predict a nebula chemical composition without taking a sample of that.

This picture is of Sagittarius B2  cloud which is as same as G34.4 cloud. These cloud resembles an image of a nebulae with high concentration of gaseous alcohol.

So as the subheading asks from us, how actually we find these clouds are alcoholic?
So let me tell you that the radiation these nebula radiates is often experimented for the research.

The purpose of such a quest is to identify specific frequencies, or "lines," at which the signal is either sharply stronger or weaker than the background level. The position and strength of these lines in the overall spectrum of radiation from an object (or radiation absorbed by the object) are signatures for specific elements and molecules. Analysis of the lines allows scientists to calculate the chemical composition of distant celestial objects.


In simple terms, radiation ,from these clouds, is often spitted through instruments which forms specific spectral lines and frequencies which simply given a clue to the scientists that from which type of molecules it has been absorbed. And because of those lines in the spectrum, it has been confirmed that there are such alcoholic interstellar clouds in the universe.

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3. Neutron Stars
Neutron Stars are too bizarre things which exist in our infinite universe. These stars are having radius in 50 to 100 km and it normally contain 2 times the mass of the sun. Neutron Star is made of neutrons and it has much mass compared of protons. It has many stories behind its formation and its nature. So let's exploring.... 

Its Formation

First, I am going to tell that it may be possible that Neutron star is having only mass of 2 times than that of Sun but that doesn't mean any star having mass of 2 solar masses would make itself as neutron star. Firstly there is an exception that supernova of any star would be possible to either create Black Dwarf or Neutron Star or Black Hole. 
 In simple words, if a supernova occurs then the total accumulation of matter at the centre of the core will decide its fate. If a normal red giant of about 8 solar masses exhausts its fuel in few millions of years and eventually ends in the form of supernova then after the explosion, gravitation collapse will occur in that if Its core regains less than 1.44 of solar mass then it is certified that it will form a Black Dwarf having no light. If the core of that star collapsed more than 1.44 solar masses then it will form a Neutron Star.

This composite image shows RCW 103 and its central source, known officially as 1E 161348-5055 (1E 1613, for short), in three bands of X-ray light detected by Chandra. In this image, the lowest energy X-rays from Chandra are red, the medium band is green, and the highest energy X-rays are blue. The bright blue X-ray source in the middle of RCW 103 is 1E 1613. So here we see that Neutron Star are emitting very energetic x rays from it. This picture gives us example of gravitational collapse of stellar remnant much more than 1.44 solar masses over such a small area.

If the stellar remnants accumulate mass larger than 3 solar masses then it would eventually form a
 Black Hole.

 The limit ( that is 1.44 solar masses ) at which it is certified that stellar remnants would form which cosmic structures is called Chandrasekhar limit. It is calculated and totally proved by the great Indian Scientist, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar"
So you have now gained the knowledge of formation of Neutron Stars . So let's move further.
The actual strange thing about neutron stars is that they spin at almost one-fourth of the speed of light and due to very strong spin they sometimes change the light direction striking on it. These stars are not so being a mystery as we have accumulated much information about it. In further points, we will hear of some hypothetical matter. So keep on reading, keep on reading and keep on exploring because possibilities and exploration has no limits..........

4. The mystery of Black Holes

The more we will continue this journey of reading, we will just step forward to some of the strangest phenomenon of this universe. Here we have come to unknown mystery of BLACK HOLE. So let's start knowing about its mystery from its beginning that is from its discovery. So, you may have read the formation of black hole in this article only on the above headings.

     Actually at time of 19th century, black hole was something a hypothetical place where light can also not escape from it. But there was no proof at that time. Scientist of 20th century explore possible limit and entered into field of limitless possibilities. Albert Einstein predicted the possibilities of Black Hole as well as the White Hole. Actually the concept of black hole was already proved but at that time it was only hypothetically proved. In 1960's, finally Astronomers got the correct proof of existence of Black Hole. And yet now, we have searched out any existence of White Hole. That's too tricky question! So here, we are talking about Black Hole. So, let's define and discuss about it.

"Definition and Discussion"
Black hole is a place or region in space where nothing even any radiation could get out of it. Actually the term 'black hole' is somehow alien to us. Because the event horizon that is considered as 'point of no return' as even any light can't return out of it. Light bends almost 360 degree that means light also swallowed by the black hole. The centre of the black hole is called singularity which is infinitely dense and dense which can totally curve the whole space-time fabric. It can stop time due to immense gravitational pull. 

  • But the one question you can ask, that what would happen if a man enters in a black hole?
So, let me tell you that immense gravity of black hole can convert your whole body into the shape of noodles or torn your whole body at the atomic level and your dead remain will be swallowed by black hole and that such process is termed as black hole spaghettification.
Let me show you its video:

Let's have some scientific discussion as well....

  • As I have explained that black hole can totally distort the whole space-time fabric around it and it can really slow down the time too much. For your better understanding I am including example of our earth which is having its gravitational pull as well as proper mass to curve space-time. And that's correct that our Earth slow down the time in comparison to 0 gravity space. But it can't make us feel of too much difference in time interval because the curvature produced by Earth's mass is totally negligible towards curvature produced by the singularity of black hole.😑
May be you are getting my points bit close or you can directly contact to me by my email. I can provide you various types of online resources and video links which will help you to go through the Relativity theory concepts and understanding.

  • Now another question regarding black holes' mysteries is totally tricky one and almost unanswerable by proof that is:
  • What is actually inside the black hole? And what is its end point? Is it a wormhole?
So the answers of these questions would go like this:

In actual, if you've really and already generated such types of question in your mind then you've got interest in Astrophysics as well. So come to the real answer:     
Inside a black hole, nothing can get returned out of it. Even light totally bends and also swallowed by it. So it is difficult question to answer about that thing which we have never seen and we are going to give probability of such possibility. So let's explore those possibilities:
#1. It may be possible that immense dense region of black hole that is singularity may be hole in the space time and nothing. But how can a hole be formed. So as Einstein said that Space time is flexible means it is possible it is a hole that is often created by explosion of so much dense mass body that is Star.
#2. In this possibility, it include the possibilities of existence of other multiple parallel universes. And black hole is something the most massive we have ever observed, and it can totally bend the fabric of space-time. So question arises, What is actual shape of the universe?

Please wait for next posts about upcoming topics of Quantum Physics and String Theory. So, stay tuned for next posts and subscribe it to be updated with the full knowledge about every curious events that is going on in Our Wonderful Universe. 

So for its answer, we don't have enough certainty but it is considered to be flat. And as far as we know that we directly interact with 3 dimensions and indirectly 1 another dimension that is time. So, 3+1 equals 4, which means the far we'll go, we will only interact with only these 4 dimension. Yet in further deep studies of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory, we came to know that there are 26 dimension. That's too mysterious....
Means if our universe contain 4 dimensions then other parallel universe would be totally lying in another dimensions.So the extremely dense and massive body would work as a gateway to the another dimensions as well.

Again, one question is that how can a star revolve around a black hole

For that thing, I say that a super massive black hole has a mass of billions of billions mass of our Sun. Stars revolve around it in galatical orbit. Our sun ,too revolve around it and orbit the whole Milky way at the speed of 250 km/sec.  But what about the closest star which rotate at their extreme velocity?
Check this video for better understanding:

" Explore new more questions about black holes so that I'll provide you the best material to study the unknown mysteries of the infinite universe. "

5. The mystery of Quark star

Sometimes, the most strangest phenomenon of the universe would be a hypothetical concept which is proved by theories but it is yet a mystery because it hadn't been observed.

Quark Star is such a type of hypothetical phenomenon which is possible through physics equations and theories. Really, Quarks are fundamental part of the subatomic particles. Quark star is something so much dense object much more than Neutron Star. But how its existence is impossible and how its existence is hypothetically proved, we will further learn about them...

Let's us learn more about Quarks
Physics as well as physicists have been searching for the smallest possible form of matter since evolution of men. Firstly it was discovered an atom which is a greek word meaning 'Indivisible'. Later in the 20th century, it got proved  by J.J Thompson and Ernest Rutherford that atom can be divisible. Till 1960s, it was considered that protons, neutrons and electrons are smallest entity in the quantum level. After that discovery of more smaller particles than subatomic particles had started. They came to an conclusion that quarks are the elementary particles which form an subatomic particle forms an atom.

So what's something much more about it ?

Quark are having 6 types and in baryonic matter,
there are 2 types of  quarks are present called
up and down quarks. The above picture is
representing the Proton made of quarks.

     Every single particle must have an electromagnetic charge of either -1, 0 or 1. Protons and Neutrons are formed due to combination of different quarks. There are 6 types of quarks :-

  • Up-type Quark
  • Down-type Quark
  • Top Quark
  • Bottom Quark
  • Strange Quark
  • Charm Quark
In subatomic particles, we have heard that all their electromagnetic charge must be an integer but here you'll see that quarks are having rational charge on them.
So what does it tells us about? 
"Rational charges tells that the quarks don't exist independently in nature. They're always found combined and the force which make them combined is Strong nuclear Force "
   So what we are talking about quark stars if quarks don't exist independently?
Actually quark star is only a hypothetical star which consist of exotic matter i.e. quark matter. Scientist have predicted that a quark star would be ultra dense (denser than neutron star) form of degenerated matter which would form by death of a massive star in a Type II Supernova . In actual, its existence hasn't confirmed yet. Ya, it is possible that ultra dense Neutron star could transform into a quark star. So let me show you quark's star strong proofs :

    A faint view of RX J1856.5- 3754
  • RX J1856.5- 3754 is nearby neutron star located in the constellation Corona Australis. RX J1856.5-3754 is thought to have formed in a supernova explosion of its companion star about one million years ago and is moving at 108 km/s across the sky. It was discovered in 1992, and observations in 1996 confirmed that it is a neutron star, the closest to Earth discovered.


RX J1856.5- 3754 was originally thought to be about 150–200 light-years away, but further observations using the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2002 indicate that its distance is greater—about 400 light-years. RX J1856 is one of the Magnificent Seven, a group of young neutron stars at distances between 200 and 500 parsecs (652 and 1630 light years) of Earth.

Supernova remnant which formed pulsar 3C 58.

3C58 or 3C 58 is a pulsar and supernova remnant within the Milky Way that is possibly associated with the supernova SN 1181. There are signs that indicate that it could be several thousand years old, and thus not associated with that supernova.
3C58 is notable for its very high rate of cooling which is unexplained by standard theories of neutron star formation. It is hypothesized that extreme conditions in the star's interior cause a high neutrino flux, which carries away the energy and the star cools. It is located in the direction of Cassiopeia and is estimated to be 10,000 light-years away.

Wait for next mysteries coming soon...
Hello readers, I know this blog isn't completed but the far I know, it would be knowledgeable for you too much. The next post about the strangest objects of the Universe will more interesting than ever. in that, I will include some key concepts to greatest mysteries by own. I know, this post is half but to make it more interesting and brief, I have added only 5 objects. That doesn't matter, I think. Ok, I am going to ask few question which you've to answer.
  •  So what you've understood by reading about 5 strange phenomenons, objects or concept? What actually you think is the most strangest?
  • Do you think, this post is complete if yes, then how? If not, then how? 
  • Which type of question you're having or which type of concept you've generated in your mind after reading this  blog post ?
Ok, I think that enough for you to answer these questions. And in real, don't be ashamed of asking any questions because, "Learning has no limits"

Goodbye! Stay tuned for new posts! Thank You!
