"A Discovery which could pay tribute to those statements of early Science"

An artisic view of an habitable place beyond Earth

"Sometimes, we often do something very wrong, which can't be forgettable and we regret that what we have done.
That's the same we have done earlier before the illumination spread by the science. So let's give those scientists, a respected honour and always seek for better."

Hello readers, today I am going to drag your attention towards a very very great achievement in humanity about exploring possibilities of life on any planets except Earth.
 First thing, I am going to tell you that it would be total mixture of few posts which is divided partially by stories, info and descrption with conclusion seperately. So, it would be something different one from other. Hope you'll like it.

Before I start topic, I'd like to drag your full attention towards my heading which points to a very sadful memory and that memory, I will discuss with you along with the topic. So let's get started!

Guys! As I have written the words in the heading which points to very dreadful incident in field of science. In which, an innocent philosopher and scientist was executed because of his truth words.
Yes friends, I am going to tell you about Giordano Bruno. 

A portrait of Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher, astronomer, poet and mathematician born on 1 January, 1548 in Nola, Italy. Actually, he was not only an astronomer; He was also a revolutionary who wants a change in the mindset of people and their society. He was fearless-by-mind and devouted-to-science . He was a fearless revolutionary scientist of 16th century. As we know about Nicholas Copernicus have said that Our Sun is at the centre of the universe and Our Earth is revolving around it. So at that time, Bruno was in favour of him. And he said that Universe is not the whole universe we see it by our eyes, it is infinite and there are uncountable worlds having different gods. He was an keen observer towards religion also ; As he said once that Religion is one and only a medium to reach god where many adherent will discuss about their Almighty God. I think his concept and theories are too visionary that at once he have also pointed towards an infinite universe and multiverses.

(As I have discussed in one post that our universe is infinite and it may be possible there are multiverses. If you haven't check it, just take a look

He was a brave cosmological theorist who had been arrested by the orthodox and religionally-blind society. He spent about 8 years in jail yet he didn't lost his hope. After seeing this situation, People in the name of religion executed him by burning him alive at the main crossroad of Rome on 17th February, 1600. At that time society was not vigilant, the people couldn't stop those violence towards those people and theorists in the past. After reading this small paragraph, sure you have originated a feeling of self-respect towards those scientists. Yes, of course. And we must. 

You will wonder that why I have told you the story of Giordano Bruno. Because Giordano Bruno was considered as 'mad' after his death also. His statements were totally discarded till the era of illumination that is 20th century. His words ,that had been rejected by other philosophers, was now seen a sense of respect towards it. He had gained his popularity as 'Martyr of Science'. He finally gained his respect and honour after about 400 years later. So it can be concluded as that, If we are true by real then nobody can replace our credits because hard work always gives a fruitful result.

   So why these words I am telling to you because finally Giordano Bruno's statement coming to be true as it is defined by the a ground-breaking news of our world ever.

  • On 13th April, NASA have announced about 2 habitable places that are the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. As it's too brief description, So, let me tell you about whole news..

The whole story behind discovery....

 As we almost have heard about the news that NASA have found life on Saturn's moon Enceladus in major breakthrough hunt for Aliens on 13th April, 2017. NASA has new proof that Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa could hold life beyond Earth. Two NASA missions have new evidence of ocean worlds in our solar system, which were presented in an announcement  at NASA's headquarters in Washington on Thursday, 13th April, 2017. It can be a memorable day for us as well as a new step to us that we have now showed strong proof about life beyond our solar system.

" The story of life on Earth may have begun in our oceans, and that's because – of course – if we've learned anything about life on Earth, it's that where you find the liquid water, you generally find life," Kevin Hand, an astrobiologist at the NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The Cassini spacecraft discovered hydrogen molecules in water plumes rising from the stripe fractures in Enceladus' icy surface. Leader of the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectometer at the southwest research institute in San Antonio, Hunter Waite said: 
"Now, Enceladus is high on the list in the solar system for showing habitable conditions."
He also said,"The presence of hydrogen established another reference point saying there is hydrothermal activity inside it and that's interesting because we know in our own oceans, those are very important places teeming with life, they were probably the earliest places where life formed on Earth."
So, if life is present , it could resemble single celled extremophiles that lived in hydrothermal vents for billions of years. There is not only warm, wet environment, there is also food for life on Enceladus as there is a fuel for ecosystem.
Means many of the science expedition and exploration now leads us to a question that whether we are alone or not. The ingredients required for life are liquid water, energy sources and chemicals such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus. So let's study about 2 of the satellites of gas giants of our solar system and make final and successful decision about life possibilities.

Europa: A case study about Life

Firstly, let me show you some extra-ordinary picture of Europa.

Or this?

You may have one question, that how Europa can have liquid water?

So let me tell you that Europa is too far from the heat range or goldilock zone from the sun, yet Europa is having liquid water ocean beneath its ice crust. Normally, we can't predict that life can flourish here or there but some fixed possibilities can perfectly point to the habitable world that is - only and only water.
 So your question may be that how heat is generated so that water remain in liquid state in so much low temperature? So let's explore its reasons.

  • As you know, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system which is having largest gravitational pull among all planet, also it's having strongest magnetic pull so that almost every object around it will rotate due to its extreme mass with a great velocity. So, if I briefly say in shortly then the process by which Europa or any farther satellites are having water beneath its surface of ice due to tidal heating. It is a process through a body rotates and revolves around another at such a rate of acceleration that generate heat frictionally.
  • As we know one common fact that due to pressure  beneath the surface of Europa ,that is generated by its core, helps in maintaining the water into liquid state.
Enceladus: A case study of life

Firstly, let's make our study about Enceladus more interesting and supportive by seeing picture of Enceladus:

So you're now seeing a majestic and most wanted place where everyone hope is now dragged towards this picture or Moon. Most of the people have claimed its subtitle as "The Moon that could change Everything.

As I have already written about its discovery at first of the para. So let me tell you that it's possible that life has not started yet. But it may be possible due to tidal heating and pressure few microbes may exist there. It would be a ground-breaking discovery ever if we find life on it. As our post's heading is telling to us that it will pay a tribute to those Bruno's souls who had been executed by those orthodox peoples.

The coming future along with conclusion 

So, you may have made some pictures in your mind about colonizing the solar system in near future. So, it may be possible but this time, we are giving more attention towards searching new exoplanets. As you know soon we will launch James Webb Space Telescope in coming years. But why not we just focus towards our nearest habitable places? May be we are expecting for other more and great discoveries. NASA and other space research agencies need to work in unity and with the feeling of fraternity so that we would soon overcome all bondings of religion and language and do success in field of astronomy also.
So, these are the 2 places which has been described by me in brief where life could possibly thrive. But what about other exo-planets? So, get tuned by subscribing my blog site and soon you will get a post about the possible places where life could exist or thrive in full description.
Again don't forget to subscribe my site for get tuned of new posts.

Good Luck! Goodbye!
